Physics 101


Revealed the enchanting marvels of physics in our daily lives, sparking a deep-seated enthusiasm for academic exploration among incoming undergraduates.

Fueled by a lifelong passion for physics, my journey has taken me into the captivating realms of robotics and quantum computing. I've had the privilege of sharing my enthusiasm with aspiring physics undergraduates at the Babaria Institute of Technology.

In a world so familiar, we often find ourselves complacently accepting the mechanics of our surroundings without a second thought. Yet, the very essence of my discourse was to awaken in these eager minds the profound marvel that physics weaves into the fabric of reality.

Following are some of the topics with the physics concepts that were discussed in length:

  • Seat belt and head rest in a car (Newton’s First Law)
  • Shift of eyeglasses to see better (Optics)
  • Blowing air to cool hot drink (Adiabaic Expansion)
  • Holder in kitchen and jack on a car (Lever Kinematics)
  • Nail inserted by hammer (Force and Pressure)
  • Waste required in washing machine (Moment of Inertia)
  • Air cooler (Humidity and Evaporation)
  • Dish antenna (Reflection and Focus)
  • Copper bottom untensil of temperature (Conductivity and Uniformity)
  • Microwave oven (Dipole Moment of Water)
  • Ice skating (Regelation)
  • Ships and boats (Archimedas Principle)
  • Frame hanging (Vector addition of forces)
  • Guitar wire breaking (Tension of strings)
  • Rainbow, Mirages (Dispersion and refraction)
  • Optical fibres (Total internal reflection)
  • 3D movies (Polarizatino)
  • LED (Semiconductor)
  • Soap bubble colour (Interference)

This was a memorable day and I had a great time sharing my learnings. Most rewarding part about the talk was that students were quite interactive. I am grateful that such an opportunity was given to me. Looking forward to more such sessions in the future.