ROS A2Z Bootcamp


Delivered a Bootcamp on Robot Operating System (ROS) to inspire next generation of robotics engineer.

ROS has emerged as the go-to platform for developing software for robots. As someone passionate about open-source technology and robotics, the chance to guide university students through their ROS journey was an incredible experience. This immersive bootcamp was hosted by TRS BVM Student Chapter as part of the Udaan 2022 techno-cultural festival.

With over 3 years of ROS experience under my belt, I understood the stumbling blocks newcomers face. I meticulously curated the curriculum to encompass a wide range of ROS essentials, diving deep into crucial topics. Here's a glimpse of the areas I covered:

  • Grasping ROS’s Significance and Applications
  • Navigating ROS Basics
  • Demystifying Build System and Tools
  • Unveiling ROS File Structure
  • Unpacking ROS Packages
  • Unraveling Nodes and Topics
  • Uniting Forces with Services and Actions
  • Mastering ROS CLI Tools
  • Navigating ROS GUI Tools

These foundational concepts were the stepping stones for what followed. The entire workshop was designed as a hands-on experience, fostering active engagement and effective learning. The culmination of this immersive journey was empowering each participant to design and integrate a two-wheeled differential drive robot within the Gazebo simulation software, complete with 2D mapping and navigation capabilities. This achievement was made possible through exploration of:

  • Crafting Robot Designs in Fusion 360
  • Decoding URDF vs SDF vs XACRO
  • Harnessing RVIZ and Gazebo Visualization
  • Embracing the Power of Simulators
  • Breathing Life into Robots in Gazebo
  • Infusing Laser Scanning with LiDAR
  • Seamlessly Integrating Teleoperation
  • Sculpting Custom Worlds or Importing Pre-loaded Environments to Gazebo
  • Charting Territories with 2D Mapping Using the Gmapping Algorithm
  • Navigational Roadmapping

Witnessing the dedication of the participants and the unwavering support of the TRS BVM Student Chapter was truly heartening. This workshop serves as a launchpad for aspiring robotics enthusiasts, propelling them toward their educational and career aspirations.

I express my profound gratitude to Professor Dr. Indrajit Pate, Dr. Vinay J Patel, and Dr. Haresh Patolia, the esteemed Faculty Advisors of TRS BVM Student Chapter, for bestowing upon me this priceless opportunity.